As days go by and the amount of worldwide confirmed COVID-19 cases piles up (as I predicted a few weeks ago), it is looking more and more likely that this coronavirus pandemic may be the black swan event that sets off a global recession – a recession that may evenRead More →

crypto regulation

Recently, a big talking point within the cryptosphere has been “Libra“, the blockchain-based digital cash system proposed by Facebook and administered by the “Libra Association” — a consortium of giant global corporations including the likes of PayPal and Vodafone. Though disguised as a “cryptocurrency”, Libra is actually much more akinRead More →

I came across an article on Coindesk recently, titled, “Bitcoin Will Still Bite the Dust“. The author is Kevin Dowd, a Professor of Finance and Economics in the Business School at Durham University, and the co-author of the 2015 paper “Bitcoin Will Bite the Dust.” The author makes a coupleRead More →

When Ethereum first came into public prominence in 2017, it was suddenly lauded as “Blockchain 2.0”, “the Bitcoin killer”, or “the blockchain with better technology”. The concept of automatically executing transactions called “smart contracts”, among the other buzzwords like “world computer”, had investors and blockchain enthusiasts head over heels. TheRead More →

I find it odd that even now, in late-2018, a lot of regular people you meet still think of bitcoin as some sort of vapourware or fad from the past. I guess being constantly surrounded by crypto information makes it hard for us bitcoiners to relate back to the averageRead More →

The crypto space is so fast paced in its changes that sometimes things literally become unrecognizable after a few months. It is pretty unbelievable that merely 1 year ago people were throwing $50M+ of crazy money at random ICOs on Ethereum that promised to “store your files in a decentralized way”Read More →